New Poll: Trump Approval Rating Sky High Among Likely GOP Primary Voters in Tennessee

Tennessee Star

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–A new poll released by The Tennessee Star on Tuesday conducted by Triton Polling and Research of 1,007 likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee shows that President Donald Trump’s job approval rating is sky high among Tennessee Republicans.

When asked “How would you rate the job performance of President Donald Trump,” 86 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee said they approve of his job performance, while only 11 percent said they disapprove, a remarkable 75 percent margin of approval over disapproval.

The vast majority of those likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee strongly approve of President Trump’s job performance:

63.9 percent Strongly Approve

22.6 percent Somewhat Approve

5.3 percent Somewhat Disapprove

6.3 percent Strongly Disapprove

1.9 percent Don’t Know/Are Unsure

Tennessee’s Republican Governor Bill Haslam also has high job performance approval ratings among likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee, though slightly lower than President Trump’s and with less intensity of support.

When asked “How would you rate the job performance of Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam,” 74 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee said they approve of his job performance, while only 22 percent said they disapprove.

29.3 percent Strongly Approve

45.1 percent Somewhat Approve

15.1  percent Somewhat Disapprove

6.3 percent Strongly Disapprove

1.9 percent Don’t Know/Are Unsure

While Governor Haslam’s 52 percent margin of approval over disapproval is very strong, it is 23 percent below President Trump’s 75 percent margin of approval over disapproval.

A second distinction between support for President Trump among likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee when compared to Governor Haslam is a significant difference in intensity.

By almost a three to one margin, 63.9 percent to 22.6 percent, those who strongly approve of President Trump’s job performance outnumber those who somewhat approve of his job performance.

In contrast, the percentage of those who strongly approve of Governor Haslam’s job performance–29.3 percent–is less than those who somewhat approve of his job performance–45.1 percent.

The Tennessee Star Poll also asked likely Republican primary voters who they favored among seven likely or potential Gubernatorial candidates in the August 2018 primary to select a party nominee for the November 2018 general election to succeed term-limited Gov. Haslam.

Those results will be released at 11:00 am central today.

In addition, The Tennessee Star Poll asked likely Republican primary voters about Senator Bob Corker’s 2018 re-election prospects as well as their views on three key issues expected to dominate the 2018 Gubernatorial campaign: repeal of the gas tax, in-state tuition for illegal aliens, and “Constitutional Carry.”

Those results will be released on Wednesday.

The poll, which was commissioned by The Tennessee Star and conducted by Triton Polling and Research in an automated (IVR) telephone survey of 1,007 likely Tennessee Republican Primary voters between May 31 and June 5, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.

You can read pages 1, 4 and 5 of the top line poll results here:

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Tennessee Star Poll of Likely Republican Primary Voters Released June 6 2017″]

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Tennessee Star Poll of Likely Republican Primary Voters Released June 6 2017″]

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Tennessee Star Poll of Likely Republican Primary Voters Released June 6 2017″]


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13 Thoughts to “New Poll: Trump Approval Rating Sky High Among Likely GOP Primary Voters in Tennessee”

  1. […] Tennessee Star poll a year ago showed almost identical figures for Trump.  Likewise, Trump had an 84 percent favorability rating six months […]

  2. […] First, any candidate running in the August Republican primary — for any office in Tennessee — must avoid any appearance of separation between themselves and President Donald Trump. In June, a Tennessee Star poll of 1007 likely GOP Primary voters showed the president enjoying sky high approval ratings. […]

  3. […] sought to block him from office. The Trump base in Tennessee is sticking with him, with recent poling showing 86% approval for the President among Tennessee likely GOP primary voters. So, why is Trump not sticking to his […]

  4. […] sought to block him from office. The Trump base in Tennessee is sticking with him, with recent poling showing 86% approval for the President among Tennessee likely GOP primary […]

  5. […] voters approved of President Trump’s job performance. The result was remarkably consistent with President Trump’s 86 percent job approval rating as reported in the Tennessee Star Poll conducted in early […]

  6. […] approved of President Trump’s job performance. The result was remarkably consistent with President Trump’s 86 percent job approval rating as reported in the Tennessee Star Poll conducted in early […]

  7. […] of likely Tennessee Republican voters approved of President Trump’s job performance in The Tennessee Star Poll  released on June […]

  8. […] who remains very popular with Republican primary voters. A recent Tennessee Star Poll found that 86 percent of Republican primary voters approve of President Trump’s job performance, while only 11 percent […]

  9. […] 86 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee approve of President Trump’s job performance. […]

  10. […] President Trump’s approval rating among Tennessee Republicans is sky high. […]

  11. […] Trump, who remains extraordinarily popular among Tennessee Republican primary voters, as The Star reported […]

  12. […] Star reported earlier on Tuesday that President Trump’s approval rating among Tennessee’s likely Republican […]

  13. Jay Chamness

    Hopefully we can take back Nashville in the next mayoral election. Take it out of the hands of outsiders who know nothing about life in Tennessee.
